
Growth Paths

The Enneagram of personality is a map of the specific and different ways to see, understand and relate to the world (and in particular, with others and with what happens to us). Having this map available is like having the map of a rather unknown territory where we can see the ways that allow us go out of where we are or move forward to where we want.

Below there is a brief description of the main areas of development of each Enneagram styles.

Remember that each person brings important nuances to a basic style and the degree of personal maturity that the person has affects how much can these features be marking their performance in the company.

Growth paths for each style


  • Become more accepting, calm and serene, rather than trying to make everything become perfect (themselves, others and the environment).
  • Abandon the need to be so intensely attentive to every detail and to have everything under control.
  • Allow themselves be more flexible and relaxed, rather than judge everything and be so reactive mentally, emotionally and behaviourally.


  • Start by recognizing that they have needs and desires, and the importance of caring oneself, instead of being always attentive to the needs of others.
  • Find an internal basis for self-esteem, rather than their sense of value depends on the reactions of others.
  • Strive to integrate their need for dependence and autonomy in relationships, both personal and professional, rather than being overly dependent and/or dependent on their relationships.


  • Browse in depth their thoughts, feelings and inner experiences in order to become more honest with themselves and more open and clear with others. Let them go a little more by the flow of events and experiences, rather than feeling they have to be ever striving and making things move forward. Learn the difference between doing and being, and learn to appreciate themselves for who they are and not just for what they do.


  • Balance objectivity and emotionality, heart and mind, instead of believing that the only truth is in the realm of feelings. Find a real sense of worth, rather than absorb negative information without filter, reject the positive information indiscriminately and continuously compare themselves with other so they always feel poor or superior with respect to others. Being able to focus, both on themselves and on others, rather than exclusively on themselves and on their experiences and inner feelings.


  • Learn to engage emotionally to the moment, rather than automatically ignore their emotional responses. Be willing to share more of themselves - including their thoughts, feelings and personal experiences - with others. Learn to become a central part in events, personal interactions, organizations and companies, rather than stay on the periphery.


  • Learn to differentiate between perceptions based on clear and accurate insights and projections based solely on imagination, rather than assuming that all thoughts that occur to them are true. Trust your own personal authority rather than seeking meaning and certainty in someone or something external. Have faith in themselves and in others, in that they will be able to solve anything, instead of being ruled by fear or show risky behaviours in order not to show that they are not afraid.


  • Learn to focus mentally, emotionally and physically instead of using the dispersion as a way to avoid pain, discomfort and feeling limited. Accept and integrate reality of pain and discomfort along with pleasure, instead of looking only positive, pleasant and very stimulating experiences Achieve genuine empathy for others, instead of doubting others' emotions as a result of their limited emotional repertoire.


  • Be more open about their vulnerability and their need for support, rather than always act so tough and strong , as if they were invulnerable and not in need of others. Allow others to exercise their autonomy and control, rather than always take charge and make others depend on their leadership and strength. Be receptive and open to what others can contribute, rather than believe that what they understand is the truth, and start immediate and unilateral actions.


  • Express their views, needs, thoughts and real preferences, always in a clear and straightforward way, especially when it is opposed to the wishes of others. Be active, state clearly and act, instead of being de-energized , passive or acquiescent . Learn to accept conflict when they see themselves involved in it, rather than avoid it fearing it may destroy harmony and connection, and learn to manage conflict in a constructive way.