  • Inteligencia emocional
  • Coaching
  • Ámbitos de utilización Áreas de utilización

Times are tough...

With the economic downturn comes donwsizing, having to do more with less... and even if we are beginning to see a change in trend, it's always a challenge to improve performance. And probably alwasy will be.

You have improved your processes, your systems, your procedures. But, in the end, Performance is always tied to people. So, the question remains: What can you do to bring the best out of your people, to motivate them to bring the best they have to offer to the workplace. The answer: turning their work into a project they want to give their all to! It comes down to learning to lead, teaching to lead and learning to motivate.

But... how?

You have probably tried different ways to motivate your team, to improve communication and performance and you may have found that most changes are short lived: they don't address the root causes.

How can we help?

We bring a special tool to the work place: The Systemic Enneagram. It combines the focusing power of the Enneagram, with its in-depth look at personal motivations and growth paths, and the wide-angle lens approach to systems, with its perception of how the whole is not just the sum of the parts. The understanding that in the end performance is about people, and the comprehension that people do not exist in a vacuum.

 If you are looking to increase performance and communication, if you need a quicker more agile department or organization and so far your tries at changes fall through... If you have tried introducing changes and resistances get the best of your efforts, it may be time to start considering a new alternative.

The Enneagram is already being used in team, individual and leader development in thousands of companies all over the wold. Now, with the systemic approach, it is even more powerful.

Call or write for a personalized interview to identify your needs, and start looking into the future with new hope.